Just For Fun!

A dust bath I built for some clients of mine. Happy chickens!

My girls! Half'nHalf (Left) & Aubergine(Right). <3

Myself, Mr. Swagger & My Mom. <3

Little bugger kept getting out of the fencing (Surprise). Half'nHalf & Swagger are good friends but never left together unattended.

Swagger trying to make friends with Aubergine. He still hasnt convinced her.

Helping Lilly ride Swagger. :)

Gaia Bear. <3

Alley & Half'nHalf. <3

Play time! :D

My first time meeting Half'nHalf. <3

Goat love! <3 <3 <3

More goat love! <3

My little climber.

Half'nHalf aspires to be an acrobat when she grows up. Lol!

Some good cuddles after a long day. <3

That's just how morning milking goes sometimes. :/
"I did'nt do it!" - Aubergine

Me bringing Aubergine home. <3

Alley Cat. <3 Helping put up the barn.

Little Lilly with little Half'nHalf.

Just plain CUTE!

Lilly's first time meeting Half'nHalf.

Alley and Reece.

Lilly helping me paint tires for the goats to play on. <3

Now that's one BIG egg!!

Gaia helping with the fencing. :)